Tarot Reading School New Term Begins

Those of you who don’t know me will be unaware of my passion for the tarot, it is a tool I have worked with since I was a teenager, however about six years ago it became my career too. From that point on the tarot has been a major part of my life, along the way I have met many people who feel the same yet are unable to master it well enough to be working with it.

We are now in 2015 & my passion has driven me to create The Tarot Reading School, this is a membership website where those who wish to understand all aspects of the tarot, learn to read & interpret the tarot or simply meet other like minded people can all meet. It is immaterial whether you wish to become a professional reader like me, use it as a hobby to bring in some extra money, read for yourself, for self development or even just do it for fun, the information I have put together works for everyone.

For those who wish to dip in and out there is the free resource library, some basic layouts and so much more so go have a play. I am now working on the areas that the more serious minded will need, it is here you can do the webinars, watch videos, & get certificated by me amongst other things.

My vision for the site is to make tarot accessible to all, erase all the myths and ego that surround the psychic arts, get people back in touch with their intuition in addition to helping the next generation of tarot readers be the best they can be. I see no reason why tarot readers cannot be seen equally as mainstream & as professional as a Hypnotherapist, Psychologist, or Financial Adviser, we all have had to study hard for our art which should be recognised. Join the Tarot Movement now www.tarotreadingschool.com

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